Scott Boilen Proud to Serve Westchester Food Bank


The Food Bank of Westchester is an organization that resides in the hearts of many people living in Westchester County of New York. Their mission is “to lead, engage and educate the Westchester community in creating a hunger-free environment.”

The Food Bank began in 1988 with one man, a van and one small room. Today the Food Bank is the backbone for Westchester’s emergency food distribution network and they acquire, warehouse and distribute food to over 265 front-line hunger-relief programs throughout the county. 95% of all the food they provide is part of front-line programs that feed Westchester children, seniors and their families who are hungry or who are at the risk of hunger. Overall, the Food Bank distributes about 14 tons of food a day!


Scott Boilen at a recent gala honoring the Food Bank for Westchester’s fight against hunger for the past 25 years.

“Two hundred thousand people residing in West Chester are at the risk of hunger. A third of those individuals are children and one-fifth are senior citizens” shares Food Bank board member Scott Boilen. “Allstar is honored to be part of this vibrant county and we’re honored to do everything we can to assist our neighbors in need.”

“I’m proud to be a part of the Food Bank” Scott Boilen continues. “I’m proud of the vital work we do to combat hunger in our community.”